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Non-Cash Gifts

Non-Cash Gifts

As a tax-exempt organization, YES! is open to receiving a variety of non-cash donations, including stocks/mutual funds and vehicles.

Appreciated stocks & Mutual funds

The National Christian Foundation helps ministries like ours process gifts of appreciated stock and mutual funds, so we don't have to become experts in everything!


Have some unused gift cards just taking up space in your wallet or dresser drawer? YES! can find a way to put them to good use. YES! will provide gift-in-kind receipts for most gifts cards/certificates. Check with your tax preparer for applicable tax deductions.

Gifts of labor

And although gifts of skilled labor are not tax-deductible, they are welcome as well!


If interested in making such a donation, please contact YES! directly.


Sell goods online and donate a portion of your proceeds to YES!

Thank you for your consideration of a non-cash donation!