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Other Resources

Valuable Links for those Targeting the Serving & DISCIPLE-MAKING Potential of Adults OVER 55

Included in the links below are samplings of some great resources for 55+ ministry and avenues of service.  These lists are by no means exhaustive.  We encourage you to explore denominational and secular resources as well.

If you would like to recommend a link that we should list here, please use the form at the bottom of this page to send a quick note.

Thank you!

55+ Adult Ministries

Serving Opportunities

These national and international  ministries have significant serving opportunities for adults on fifty-five’s plus side:

Intergenerational Outreach

These are great resources to help 55+ adults reach beyond just their own generation. The last two are not faith-based, but intergenerational connections are at the heart of their mission.

Do you have a recommendation of an additional resource you'd like to see on this page?